Finding a useful power solution requires professional battery installation. Our expert battery team are experienced with all battery types and systems, including NiCad. With a team of highly skilled and certified technicians, all our battery installations meet or exceed industry and manufacturer standards. 

Our DC battery installation service ensures that everything you need in a backup battery system is operational and ready, including the rack, anchoring, assembly, wiring, and connection. Our technicians will work with your electricians if requested and we will provide you with electrical services as needed.

Quality Control 

When you have a battery installed, you want everything put into the right place. At Dowd Battery, we are committed to getting every component in the perfect order so that you have no worries with your power system. We take pride in setting and exceeding industry standards recommended by both the battery manufacturer and the IEEE, and we are fully licensed and insured. Whether you need utility battery installation service for your factory floor, office, or your facility's safety systems, you can rest assured that we will supply you with safe, reliable solutions.


Damaged batteries pose considerable threats when left unaddressed. It is essential to resolve any issues with leaks from aging or damaged batteries before they lead to further health risks and equipment failure. Dowd Battery offers a professional assessment of battery damage for businesses across Rochester, determining the full level of concern. Following our initial analysis, we will advise you on whether to pursue battery repair, replacement and any other disposal services that we can offer.