Battery Capacity Testing
Battery capacity testing is an essential part of battery maintenance. Testing conforms to IEEE Standards 450, 1106 & 1188 as well as NERC PRC-005. Capacity testing determines the overall capacity of the battery, checks if the battery can support a connected load, and locates weak cells and faulty intercell connectors.
Temporary battery systems and chargers provided upon request.
Load Testing includes (1 to 8 hour tests available)
- Inspect each battery string to confirm condition for capacity test
- Torque all connections and record resistance readings
- Measure and record cell impedances
- Perform visual inspection of battery system
- Load test battery using load bank for desired timeframe
- Record readings of each cell every hour during discharge test
- Place battery back on charger after test is completed
A full detailed electronic report is provided detailing the battery tested, charger/UPS information, individual cell float voltages, and battery discharge performance data. As well as specific problems during testing with recommended corrective actions.